Instead of taking medication, shakes, pills, expensive pre-packaged meals or exercising the ChiroThin Weight Loss Program incorporates specially formulated drops.
Taking the ChiroThin Nutritional Support Formula
The ChiroThin nutritional support formula is taken sublingually. This means under the tongue. Sublingual application is very effective at getting nutrients and/or substances into the blood stream as the sublingual region has a high blood supply and a high degree of permeability, which allows for maximum absorption.
It is important that you follow the ChiroThin program as directed and it is doctor supervised. Begin taking the ChiroThin nutritional support formula on Day 1 and continue taking through day 38. Discontinue taking the ChiroThin nutritional support formula on day 39. DO NOT SKIP OR MISS TAKING THE DROPS!!! YOU WILL GET VERY HUNGRY AND MAY EXPERIENCE FLUCUATIONS IN YOUR BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS! Because not missing the drops is so important, many of our clients purchase a second bottle to keep at work.
You will place the drops, as directed, under your tongue and hold without swallowing for 1-2 minutes. After holding in mouth for the allotted time, swish the drops around your mouth and swallow. Avoid eating or drinking for 10 minutes before and 10 minutes after putting the drops in your mouth.
We recommend taking the drops 3 times per day, the concept is every 7 hours and this time schedule will usually work for most people, even those who work midnights or swing shifts. An example would be taking the drops at 8 am, 3 pm and 10 pm.
The ChiroThin program is broken down into 3 phases: Loading, Losing, and Maintaining.
LOADING PHASE - Day 1 and 2
The first two days of the ChiroThin Weight Loss Program are the loading phase. For most, these are the most enjoyable parts of the diet other than stepping on the scale and seeing pounds melt away. This is when you prime your body. Eat whatever you want. The more fat the better. I recommend eating food that you won't be allowed to eat after the loading phase such as pizza, ice cream, donuts, candy, chocolate, fried food, and cake. The first two days you "graze" or eat throughout the day. You are to eat a minimum of 5000 Calories during these first two day.
LOSING PHASE - Day 3 - 42
During the losing phase, the ChiroThin Weight Loss Program uses a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) in combination with the ChiroThin support formula (drops). It is critical that you adhere to the blends and amounts of food types listed below to achieve the best results. The VLCD diet is limited to 500 calories per day. Because you are on a VLCD, supervision by a healthcare practitioner is mandatory. Consuming more than 500 calories per day will decrease the average weight loss attained by most individuals.
During the Losing phase only Lunch and Dinner are eaten. Lunch and dinner consist of 3.5-4 oz on lean protein, 3.5- 4oz of vegetables,2.5-4 oz of fruit and either 1 piece of Melba toast, 3-4 melba toast snacks (any flavor) or 1-2 grissini bread sticks.
The successful completion of the Maintenance phase sets ChiroThin Weight Loss Program apart from other diets. The patients who adhere to the procedures for maintenance experience a more long term weight loss. This is because you have changed your eating habits, have a new BMI and a new BMR. During this phase continue to weigh yourself every day. Your body weight will vary dramatically. Eventually (3 to 5 weeks), your body weight stabilizes (within a half-pound of itself for 5 to 10 days). When this occurs, it is the sign that your body has stabilized its new set points.
During the Maintenance phase you will increase your daily caloric intake to match your BMR. Your BMR is the amount of calories you would burn in a 24 hour period with no activity. For long term health, this is the minimal amount of calories you should consume daily. We also recommend that on days that you exercise, you should increase the number of calories you consume by the amount of calories you have burned while exercising.
· During days 1 and 2 it is perfectly normal for an individual to experience a slight weight gain.
Weight gain could be up to 5 lbs.
During days 3-5 is is common for a person to lose 1.5-3 pounds per day.
· · After the fifth day, the amount of weight that is lost on a daily basis begins to decrease. Most people who follow the doctor supervised ChiroThin Weight Loss Program as directed, experience a an average daily weight loss of 1/2 to 1 pound per day. Some individuals will find that they plateau for several days only to find that they resume their previous weight loss after a slight plateau. This is more likely to occur in women, as men are more likely to have consistent weight loss than women. In either sex, there may occasionally be no drop in weight for two or three days and then a sudden loss, which re-establishes the normal average. These fluctuations are entirely due to variations in the retention and elimination of water, which are more marked in women than in men.
How Do You Know When You Are At A Healthy Weight?
Why do many dieters fail? It is simple.... unrealistic goals! Every year, tens of thousands of people fail at diets because they over-estimate the possibilities of themselves or a particular program. In recent years, there has been much hype about products that will directly cause you to "permanently" lose weight without your changing any habits. This is simply not true. There is not one single product that can magically make you lose and keep weight off. The body and science does not work like that! Successful long term weight loss is a combination of dietary and behavioral changes, nutritional support, and when appropriate, exercise. This is exactly what the doctor supervised ChiroThin Program does. We encourage you to be realistic and use good judgement when setting your health related goals. When it involves weight loss, it is possible that a person may or may not be able to get to a certain weight. Remember, being underweight can be just as bad for you as being overweight.
All supervising ChiroThin Weight Loss Program doctors encourage their patients to aim for a healthy weight. A healthy weight results in increased quality of life through increased activity levels.
A healthy weight decreases the risk for many major health problems, common diseases and illnesses. A healthy weight also results in a better self-image and increased self-confidence, which boosts productivity at work and yields a more satisfying personal life.
We determine your healthy weight by calculating and individuals Base Metabolic Index (BMI). A healthy BMI falls between 18.5 and 24.99. BMI Categories: Under weight =<18.5, Normal Weight = 18.5-21.99, Over weight = 25-29.99, Obese = 30+.
Here's how to calculate your BMI:
Weight in pounds x 703
(Height in inches) x (Height in inches)
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. ChiroNutraceutical makes no claims or warranties regarding the process or outcomes of the ChiroThin program. Future and prospective clients are encouraged to research for themselves all information regarding various weight loss programs and discuss their concerns with a physician before beginning any program.
Wellness 4 Life Chiropractic, PLLC
11202 Highland Rd., Hartland MI 48353
P: 810-632-5252 F: 810-632-7575
Copyright © 2025 Wellness 4 Life Chiropractic, PLLC - All Rights Reserved.